Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Recent happenings

Part of the reason I started blogging again was so that I'd have a journal of Zoey's milestones and accomplishments. We have an actual baby book, but I bought a really unique one (the companion to On the Night You Were Born), and it's not your typical fill-in-the-blank record of baby's firsts.

So, what's been going on with Miss Z lately?

She is rolling like crazy, but still only back-to-tummy. One of these days, she'll figure out how to roll the other way!

She has been sleeping through the night, going to bed between 8:30-9:30 pm, and not waking until around 7:00 am. However, I think we have indeed hit that 4-month wakeful period, because the last couple of nights she's been up 4-5 times a night wanting to play! Silly goose, mama needs her sleep!

She babbles a LOT, and it's really cute. She even started making this new noise, sort of a cross between a hum and a grunt, and it's hard to tell if she's fussy or happy when she's doing it...haha.

She's started to be aware of and play with her toys. Her favorites are her dolly from Grandma Deb, her linky rings, and a glittery pink rattle (that's my girl!), even though she regularly smacks herself in the face with it.

She still enjoys her swing and her play mat (most of all), and she's learned how to make the dangly toys play music in her rocker chair. She's also starting to grow into her Jumperoo, which means we have to finally put batteries in the dang thing, because it "rewards" her jumping with lights and music. Oh joy. ;-)

Even though she'll be 4 months old next week, we haven't quite decided about when to start cereal and solids. I'm pretty sure her doctor leans more towards the wait until 6 months side of things, but I don't think we'll wait quite that long. We'll see. My baby is growing up way too fast!

Overall, she's just such a happy baby, and I couldn't be more in love with this little girl. She's got quite the personality already, and I'm looking forward to seeing her grow and learn even more!

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